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Transplant Hepatology

Transplant Hepatology is a medical subspecialty of Hepatology that focuses on the transplant of livers and pancreases.

The Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition is renowned for it's patient care, clinical investigations and basic research. and is consistently identified as one of the top 3% Gastroenterology Units in the country by US News and World Report. A number of special procedures including biliary manometry, endoscopic removal of bile duct stones, biliary and pancreatic duct stent placement, esophageal stent placement, achalasia dilation, botulinum toxin injection therapy of achalasia, enteroscopy, endoscopic ultrasonography, and laser therapy of GI neoplasms are performed on a daily basis.

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Calendar Events and Lectures: Transplant Hepatology

Fatty liver: Are you at risk?
Hilton University of Florida Conference Center Gainesville
Gainesville, FL 32607
African American man in his 50's wearing a red sweatshirt, seated on a couch. UF Heath Wellness University logo
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