Beth Virnig, Ph.D., M.P.H., named dean of the College of Public Health and Health Professions.
Peter Swaan, Ph.D., M.Pharm., named dean of the College of Pharmacy.
Colleen G. Koch, M.D., M.S., M.B.A., named dean of the College of Medicine.
First person in the Southeast to receive a double-lung transplant after beating the coronavirus
Leon Haley, M.D., named vice president of the UF Health Science Center – Jacksonville and dean of the College of Medicine – Jacksonville.
George T. Harrell, M.D., Medical Education Building opened.
Edward Jimenez named CEO of UF Health Shands.
Groundbreaking for the new UF Health Heart & Vascular and UF Health Neuromedicine Hospital took place.
UF Health North medical complex opened in Jacksonville.
UF Diabetes Institute established.
Isabel Garcia, D.D.S., M.P.H., named dean of the College of Dentistry.
UF Health Shands Children’s Hospital Sebastian Ferrero Atrium opened.
UF Health Cancer Center at Orlando Health created.
UF Health replaces UF&Shands as name of academic health center.
Russell Armistead named CEO of UF Health Jacksonville.
Anna McDaniel, Ph.D., R.N., named dean of the College of Nursing.
James W. Lloyd, D.V.M., named dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Julie Johnson, Pharm.D., named dean of the College of Pharmacy.
Boyd Robinson, D.D.S., M.Ed., named interim dean of the College of Dentistry.
College of Medicine breaks ground on George T. Harrell, M.D., Medical Education Building.
UF Health Cancer Center at Orlando Health is established.
Thomas Pearson, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., named UF Health executive vice president for research and education.
UF Health Shands Emergency Center at Springhill opened.
UF Health opens UF Health Springhill and UF Health Family Medicine – Main.
UF opens UF Research and Academic Center at Lake Nona in Orlando.
Daniel R. Wilson, M.D., named vice president of the UF Health Science Center – Jacksonville and dean of the College of Medicine – Jacksonville.
UF Health Shands Hospital opens new Pediatric E.R.
The College of Veterinary Medicine unveils the new Small Animal Hospital.
UF opens new Biomedical Sciences Building.
UF Health debuts Forward Together strategic plan.
Tetsuo Ashizawa, M.D., named executive vice president of the Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute of the University of Florida.
David S. Guzick, M.D., Ph.D., named senior vice president for health affairs and president of UF&Shands.
Michael Perri, Ph.D., named dean of the College of Public Health and Health Professions.
Michael Good, M.D., named dean of the College of Medicine.
UF receives $26 million Clinical and Translational Science Award and establishes the Clinical and Translational Science Institute.
UF Health Shands Cancer Hospital opens.
Paul Okunieff, M.D., named director of UF Health Cancer Center.
Michael Good, M.D., named interim dean of the College of Medicine.
Michael Perri, Ph.D., appointed as interim dean of the College of Public Health and Health Professions.
UF opens the UF Health Proton Therapy Institute in Jacksonville. The Cancer Genetics Research Complex opens.
Marco Pahor, M.D., named director of UF Institute on Aging.
UF College of Health Professions becomes College of Public Health and Health Professions.
Teresa Dolan, D.D.S., becomes dean of the College of Dentistry.
The new building for the colleges of Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy is dedicated.
Douglas Barrett, M.D., appointed vice president for health affairs.
Craig Tisher, M.D., becomes dean of the College of Medicine.
Teresa Dolan, D.D.S., appointed interim dean of the College of Dentistry.
Kenneth Berns, M.D., Ph.D., appointed vice president for health affairs.
Dr. Kenneth Berns serves as interim Vice President of Health Affairs.
Dr. Kenneth Berns becomes Dean of the College of Medicine.
Dr. Joseph DiPietro is appointed Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Edward Copeland becomes interim Dean of the College of Medicine.
Southeast's first umbilical cord blood transplant on an infant and adult performed; state's first kidney/pancreas transplant occurs; first gene therapy treatment for brain cancer is done.
HIV saliva test, developed by UF veterinarian, is released to the marketplace in several foreign countries.
13-week-old Gary Weems of Pensacola, Fla., has a heart transplant performed at Shands, becoming first infant to undergo a heart transplant in Florida.
Dr. William H. Riffee is appointed Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
Dr. Kathleen Long is appointed Dean of the College of Nursing.
Dr. Robert Frank is appointed Dean of the College of Health Professions.
Dr. Frank A. Cattalonotto is appointed Dean of the College of Dentistry.
PerioGlas, a bioactive glass developed at UF for restoring jaw bone, goes on worldwide market.
First lung transplant in Florida performed at Shands.
Dr. Joseph Kehoes serves as interim Dean of the College of Dentistry.
UF College of Pharmacy's Drug Information Service celebrates 20th year of statewide service.
UF receives $18 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to build a neuroscience research center, the UF Brain Institute.
Lab-grown skin grafts for burn victims developed by UF researcher Dr. Ammon Peck.
President George Bush declares the 1990s "Decade of the Brain" in support of basic research.
Dr. Allen Neims appointed Dean of COM.
Dr. Richard Dierks is appointed Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Lee Dockery becomes interim Dean of the College of Medicine.
Dr. Atwood Asbury serves as acting Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Florida Probe, an instrument measuring loss of support tissue around teeth, is developed at UF's dental college
Florida's first Hope Lodge for cancer patients opens near UF campus.
UF's heart and liver transplant programs begin.
First cochlear implant device to restore hearing impairment is performed at Shands; Bioglass implants also used by UF researchers to restore hearing in first human patients with damaged middle-ear bones, helping patients to hear again.
Dr. Donald W. Legler appointed Dean of the College of Dentistry.
Dr. David Challoner is appointed Vice President of Health Affairs.
Dr. William Collett serves as interim Dean of the College of Dentistry; Dr. A. Lewis Leo follows as interim Dean.
Nation's first neonatal foal intensive care unit opens at UF veterinary hospital.
A Ronald McDonald House opens near Shands.
Dr. Richard Gutekunst becomes Dean of the College of Health Related Professions.
Dr. Kirk Gelatt is appointed Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Kenneth Finger serves as interim Vice President of Health Affairs.
Dr. Lois Malasanos is appointed Dean of the College of Nursing.
Dr. Emerson Besch becomes acting Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
UF's kidney transplantation program, founded by Dr. William Pfaff, who performed the first successful transplant in Florida, performs landmark 400th transplant.
Dr. Will Deal becomes Dean of the College of Medicine and Vice President of Health Affairs.
Dr. Michael Schwartz becomes Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
Dr. Amanda Baker serves as acting Dean of the College of Nursing.
Will Deal becomes interim Dean of the College of Medicine.
Dr. Kenneth Finger serves as interim Vice President of Health Affairs.
College of Veterinary Medicine opens.
J. Patrick O'Leary('67) is the first COM alumnus to receive Hippocratic award.
Dr. Chandler Stetson becomes Vice President of Health Affairs.
Dr. Kenneth Finger is appointed interim Vice President of Health Affairs.
Dr. Don Allen becomes Dean of the College of Dentistry. Communicore Building opens.
Blanche Urey is named Dean of the College of Nursing.
Dr. Don Allen is appointed interim Dean of the College of Dentistry.
College of Dentistry opens, Chandler Stetson becomes Dean of the College of Medicine.
The 200,000th patient is treated at Shands Hospital.
Project I construction begins, and ground is broken for the Dental Tower, Communicore building, and 3 new patient floors.
Judy Moore, RN, MN serves as acting Dean of the College of Nursing.
Dr. Charles Cornelius, PhD, DVM is named Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
The College of Medicine graduates the first African American physicians, Dr. Earl Cotman and Dr. Reuben Brigety.
Dr. Howard Suzuki becomes Dean of the College of Health Professions.
Dr. Edmund Ackell becomes Provost of the Health Science Center. Dr. Jose Medina becomes Dean of the College of Dentistry. Lafayette Cty Health Center opens, rural health care clinic staffed by Colleges of Medicine and Nursing. The First Hippocratic award is given by students at the College of Medicine. The first kidney transplant from a live donor is performed on UF law student at Shands Hospital.
Dr. Kenneth Finger is named 4th Dean of the College of Pharmacy.
The 100,000th patient is treated at Shands Hospital. Phase I of the Human Development Center is dedicated.
The Veterans Administration Hospital is dedicated.
Dr. Foote retires as Dean of Pharmacy, Dr. George F. Archambault is named 3rd dean of the College of Pharmacy.
Edmund Ackell, DMD, MD becomes Dean of the College of Dentistry.
Rural clinics opened in North Central Florida.
The hospital is officially renamed the W. A. Shands Teaching Hospital and Clinics after Gainesville's former Senator William A. Shands.
Gatorade is invented by College of Medicine faculty and fellows.
Emanuel Suter becomes Dean of the College of Medicine.
The ground breaking ceremony for the VA Hospital is held.
New eye clinic, artificial kidney machine, Clinical Research Center opens.
The College of Pharmacy completely relocates from campus and the new Pharmacy building is dedicated.
The UF Teaching Hospital receives one of state's four kidney dialysis machines.
Veterans Administration Hospital in Gainesville is approved.
Pharmacy moves into building and classes are held.
Dr. Samuel Martin is named Provost (this position is later renamed "Vice President for Health Affairs").
First medical school class graduates and the first Asian, Latinos, and women to attend are in the graduating class.
The first nursing class graduates.
College of Health Related Services opens with Dr. Mase as Dean.
First open heart surgery is performed at Shands.
L. Russell Jordan became Director of Teaching Hospital. Teaching Hospital and Clinics are formally dedicated.
Ground is broken for Pharmacy wing.
Plans developed to merge Cancer Research Laboratory with the College of Pharmacy to form the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Dr. Russell Poor is Acting Director of the Teaching Hospital.
The Hospital admits first patient.
Dr. Darrel J. Mase is named Dean of the College of Health Related Services.
UF desegregates.
College of Dentistry approved at Gainesville.
Doors open for first class at COM.
Dorothy Smith hired as the first Dean of the College of Nursing.
The College of Nursing opens.
Foundation poured for Medical Center.
College of Pharmacy was made a unit of the Health Center and planning began for COP building in HSC.
Dr. George T. Harrell becomes first Dean of the College of Medicine.
Dr. Russell Poor becomes first Provost/VP of Health Affairs
University of Miami opens its medical school.
Medical Center Study completed and published in a five volume set over a two year period.
Medical Center Study, conceived of by J. Hillis Miller, begins, using money from the Commonwealth Fund rather than the $100,000 from the legislature.
Darrel Mase, PhD (first Dean of the College of Public Health and Health Professions) and George T. Harrell, MD (first Dean of the College of Medicine) involved in the planning process.
Legislature passed bill appropriating $100,000 for the purpose of creating plans.
Lippard Report filed, authorizing a medical school, nursing school, and dental school, again supporting Gainesville as the site.
School of Pharmacy becomes a College, with Dr. Perry Foote as dean.
The state legislature decides on Gainesville as the official site for the state medical school.
Board of Control and State Board of Education appointed a Committee with Dr. Vernon Lippard as head.
Cancer Research Laboratory established as an independent research unit.
Citizen's Committee Report calls for a medical school at University of Florida in Gainesville.
Legislature asks for money for study to determine need for medical and dental college in Florida.
Governor Caldwell's Citizens Committee on Education began a comprehensive study and survey of education in Florida.
College of Pharmacy becomes a school with B.V. Christensen as director.
College of Pharmacy opens on campus.
Dr. Townes R. Leigh becomes director and later Dean when the school becomes a College in 1925.
The first medical school in Florida: The Tallahassee College of Medicine and Surgery opens in Tallahassee and moves to Lake City. It only remains open for a few years.