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Discover health programs, support groups, classes and more
These programs provide support for patients in our hospitals and clinics.
Addresses the compelling and unique medical and psychosocial needs of our adolescent and young adult patients — from diagnosis to survivorship.
Improves health and quality of life for long-term cancer survivors.
Programs designed to expand healing possibilities in the hospital setting.
Provides supportive care for select adult and pediatric patients through meditation, relaxation, yoga, tai chi, qigong and massage therapy sessions.
Cancer is a journey, and at the UF Health Cancer Center, you will not face it alone.
Helps children and families cope with the stress and anxiety of hospitalization.
Gift donations for kids who have to stay in the hospital. Items are used in pediatric areas throughout the hospital.
Helps patients and their families determine if they are at an increased genetic risk to develop cancer.
Dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and well-being in all aspects of life.
Research shows that writing helps the healing process, so health care settings are an ideal place to utilize the literary arts.
Offers a wide variety of music-based therapies from in-room performances to collaborative recording sessions.
Pain management treatment plans for cancer patients.
Offer counseling, planning and other assistance to all pediatric patients.
Designed to help you and your child prepare for common hospital procedures.
Can assist you through the treatment process in a number of practical and supportive ways.
Peer companionship for adolescents and young adults living with serious illness.
Teams health care providers with free legal assistance to solve legal problems that may be impeding your recovery.
Harnessing the transformative power of the arts for health.
Comprehensive home health and personal care agency devoted to helping you maintain an independent lifestyle.
The supportive oncology program combines integrative medicine and palliative supportive care with oncology to offer a holistic approach to cancer care.
Brings the creative arts to patients and families through painting, drawing, collage, sculpture and crafts.
These programs provide support and care to patients in their neighborhoods and communities.
Provides adult day care for people age 18+ with Alzheimer’s disease or severe memory impairment
Provides comprehensive oral health services for individuals and families of rural North Central Florida, regardless of ability to pay.
UF Health offers a pet therapy program where volunteers bring their own dogs into the hospital to visit patients. Participating dogs have been approved by Volunteer Services and are well-behaved, healthy, vaccinated and clean.
Provides classes and activities in music, dance and visual arts to help with health and well-being.
Designed to help people with a diagnosis of MS, Parkinson’s disease (PD), or other similar neurological movement disorders improve physical well-being, social interaction and creative expression.
AACAP’s Facts for Families were developed to provide concise and up-to-date information on issues that affect children, teenagers, and their families
The mission of the Autism Society of Florida (ASF) is to assure full participation and self-determination in every aspect of life for each individual. We will realize this vision by opening avenues of advocacy.
Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
Community Hospice & Palliative Care support groups are led by our bereavement professionals and create a safe and comfortable environment where you can bond with others who are grieving.
Proper child restraint and seat belt usage can drastically reduce the chances of death or serious injury if a crash occurs.
A tool for patients and families to communicate and “share their story” with others. Sometimes it is challenging to keep others informed of what is happening to you or your loved one with their illness.
Helps individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain understand why they feel so much pain, and seeks ways to improve their lives.
Provides a child-friendly, safe and supportive environment for abused and neglected children. Care teams include social workers, counselors, law enforcement officers, state attorneys, victim advocates, medical professionals and others.
This non-profit clinic offers primary medical and dental care to qualified uninsured and medically indigent in Central Florida.
Interdisciplinary facility that helps support the diverse needs of individuals and families.
Dance classes designed for participants over 60 with the focus on fun, fitness and creativity.
Advocates and provides services for seniors in Alachua County and North Central Florida.
Tools help discover your career goals, values and strengths.
Provides mature dancers with an opportunity to continue their practice in an adult-friendly environment.
Ofrecemos servicios de cuidados primarios gratis en un medio ambiente seguro y privado con médicos y estudiantes de medicina hispanohablantes.
Provides care for medically underserved within the community.
Provides training and consults with the families and educational teams of Florida’s children and young adults (ages 0-22) with concurrent hearing loss and vision loss.
Summer camp for children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder and/or anxiety.
The Florida Outreach Project for Children and Young Adults Who Are Deaf-Blind is committed to promoting educational practice that leads to the full participation of people who are deaf-blind as active members of the community.
Helps bridge the gap between community members and resources available to them, including health screenings, classes and other services.
Seeks to improve the physical and mental well-being of the homeless and poor. We deliver comprehensive health care, help health care providers achieve greater empathy and engage the community in meaningful contribution.
Students from the colleges of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dentistry and Public Health and Health Professions are assigned to families to assess health needs by making home visits, gathering health data and developing a "prevention prescription."
Home-delivered meals for home-bound seniors.
This program benefits those who have just completed rehabilitative therapy, have an on-going medical condition or have been referred by their physicians to begin a supervised fitness/wellness program.
Nathaniel’s Hope is dedicated to celebrating kids with special needs (our VIPs) as well as educating and equipping communities and churches to provide programs and assistance for VIP families.
No One Dies Alone is a volunteer program that provides the reassuring presence of a volunteer companion to dying patients.
Provides peer support and therapeutic intervention to troubled students and enhances leadership skills for teen leaders.
Helps individuals access high-quality cancer screening, prevention and treatment services.
Find fun and engaging activities at the Alachua County Senior Recreation Center.
Free community education service that provides educational programs presented by UF Health professionals.
Nutrition guidance in a respectful, non-judgmental and caring environment.
Free summer enrichment program for college students interested in the health professions.
In-depth Extension-based, collaborative diabetes self-management education (DSME) program targeted to adults with Type 2 diabetes.
Aims to create community, connection and self-nurturance through gentle mindful movement and art-making.
For health and safety, all UF Health facilities and grounds are smoke free.
Inclusive, accessible events for people with autism and their supporters.
CARD provides support and assistance with the goal of optimizing the potential of people with autism and related disabilities.
Provides convenient health promotion services by offering members reliable health information, education and preventative screenings at their work sites or other convenient locations.
Provides links to support organizations based on zip code. Financial assistance, food pantries, medical care, and other free or reduced-cost help.
Provides primary medical care services at no cost to the patient.
Free classes to help you quit smoking.
The program shows how healing is possible after the death of a loved one. The one-hour long presentation will help attendees recognize normal responses to loss, identify helpful coping skills and understand the importance of self-care.
Provides a range of services: diagnostic evaluation and consultation for children and youth who have complex medical, educational, emotional and/or behavioral problems.
Small groups for patients and caregivers experiencing the same health issues.
Open to patients with advanced lung disease, listed patients awaiting transplant and transplanted patients, as well as caregivers.
A support group designed to assist in the lifetime journey of post-surgery weight loss.
This group meets at HealthStreet the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 4pm.
An educational and networking event that brings together cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and health care professionals.
Support group made up of patients, family and friends of people who have IBD.
A support group for amputees who support one another, learn from each other and share stories and tips.
The Laryngectomy Club helps patients with laryngectomy and their family, caregivers and friends better understand life after laryngectomy. For more information, call 352-273-5871 or email afullert@phhp.ufl.edu.
This support group provides education and psychosocial support for patients who have liver disease or are awaiting liver transplants and who have been transplanted. Call (352) 265-0754 for the next scheduled meeting of the support group.
Provides hope and support to families of children with congenital heart disorders.
Support and community for families with NICU history.
Seeks to provide support for patients and their family members through spiritual counseling and active listening.
This group is a special fellowship for any member of the Black Community living with Parkinson’s disease/Parkinsonisms or their care partners.
Members can share experiences and learn new ways to connect with others who have had similar injuries.
Resources for college students with diabetes.
Helps increase funds and awareness for UF Health Shands Children's Hospital.
The Life After Stroke Support Group, or LASSG, meets every Thursday from 3:30–5 p.m. at the Alachua County Senior Recreation Center. This group welcomes anyone who has had a stroke, as well as family, friends and care providers.
Provides a home away from home for families with children receiving treatment at hospitals and medical facilities.
A support group for patients in the Gainesville area who have Type 1 diabetes and their parents, spouses, or loved ones. The group is currently meeting online; you will need to sign up for Google Groups to become a member.
Time for caregivers to relax, talk and share about our children and experiences.
Meets every month on the 4th Thursday at 6:15 p.m. at the UF Health Shands Rehab Hospital.
Meetings every other Wednesday at 5 p.m. at UF Health Shands Rehab Hospital. This support group is open to the public but space is limited.
Meets every Thursday from 3:30–5 p.m. at ElderCare of Alachua County’s Senior Recreation Center. This group welcomes anyone who has had a stroke, as well as family, friends and care providers. For more information, call (352) 627-0154.
This support group provides a relaxed environment allowing young people and adolescents with medical illnesses or injuries to interact with others their age who have gone through similar situations.
Support system for those students with inflammatory bowel disease.
Helps children who do not have conventional communication systems to become more able communication partners.
This group is a monthly meet-up designed to get women living with Parkinson's disease together for fellowship and networking.
Health education and hands-on training to manage your health needs.
Provides important information about the basics of breastfeeding.
Helps prepare expectant parents for labor, birth, the post-partum period and caring for the newborn.
Classes and seminars that are available for seniors.
UF offers free in-person and online classes to help you quit tobacco. We also provide nicotine replacement products to help you quit all forms of tobacco. Call (352) 273-5224 to sign up.
Accessible events that help people with autism live lives of full engagement.
Educational presentations on living with and treating Parkinson's disease.
Offers classes, programs, groups, activities, resources and health fairs throughout Gainesville, Ocala and The Villages communities.
Organizations providing health care support in your neighborhood.
Dedicated to improving the lives of Alachua County's senior citizens.
Children with serious illnesses can enjoy a camp experience in a safe, medically sound environment.