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For Adolescents and Their Parents/Caretakers

UF Health Pediatrics is committed to helping our patients make a smooth transition from pediatric to adult health care. This means working with our patients, starting at age 12 to 14, and their families to prepare for the gradual change from a “pediatric” model of care, where parents make most decisions, to an “adult” model of care, where youth make most decisions. This means we will spend time during visits discussing adolescent confidentiality rules. We may also spend time during visits without the parent/caretaker present in the room to help patients set health goals and learn to take control of their own health care.

By law, youth are adults at age 18. This means we can only discuss their health information with others if they agree. Some young adults choose to continue to involve their parents/caregivers or others in their health care choices. To allow a doctor to share information with others, consent is required and we have these forms at our office. For young adults who have a condition that limits them from making health care choices, our office will share with parents/caregivers options for how to support decision-making. For young adults who are not able to consent, we will need a legal document that describes the patient’s decision-making needs.

We will work closely with our patients and families to decide the best age for them to move to an adult doctor and we will help prepare our patients for this important move. This includes helping build skills needed for an adult care model, assisting in doctor selection, sending medical records (if needed) and communicating any unique needs with the adult doctor. We will also help our patients find community resources if needed.

Your health matters to us. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us:

Mail: PO Box 100296 Gaineville, FL, 32610

Phone: 352-273-9001

Fax: 352-294-5712

Prepare a Medical Summary

Obtaining Insurance