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Alison R Kraus, PT/DPT : Bio and credentials

Physical Therapist

Photo of Alison R Kraus

My bio

Hello, I'm Alison Kraus, a physical therapist at UF Health. My journey in healthcare began with a bachelor of science in clinical health studies followed by a doctorate in physical therapy from Ithaca College.

Specializing in neurologic physical therapy, I hold the prestigious American Board of Physical Therapy specialist certification in neurology. My expertise encompasses a wide range of neurologic conditions, including Parkinson's disease, mild-severe traumatic brain injury and concussion, vestibular dysfunction with VNG assessments, neuromuscular disorders, Huntington's disease and cerebellar ataxia.

My professional focus revolves around clinical practice, where approximately 80% of my time is dedicated to neuro rehabilitation, particularly emphasizing movement disorders and vestibular rehab in the outpatient setting. The remaining 20% of my efforts are invested in academia as an adjunct faculty member for the doctorate of physical therapy program at the University of Florida. In this role, I strive to bridge the gap between neuro rehab clinical practice and physical therapy curriculum, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of patients facing neurologic diagnoses. Teaching also serves as a conduit for staying abreast of evidence-based practices, enriching my clinical interactions for improved patient outcomes.

My commitment extends to ongoing participation in clinical research, where I contribute to the evaluation and treatment of patients with Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism, vestibular disorders and mild-severe traumatic brain injuries. This dual engagement in clinical practice and academia allows me to maintain a dynamic approach to patient care and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field.

In my professional journey, I find fulfillment in the fusion of clinical expertise, teaching, and research, ultimately working towards enhancing the quality of life for individuals facing neurologic challenges.
