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Kirsten N Norrell, MD

Orthopaedic Surgeon

Photo of Kirsten N Norrell

About me

My name is Kirsten Norrell, MD, and I am a clinical assistant professor of pediatric orthopaedic surgery in the department of orthopaedic surgery at the University of Florida. I earned my medical degree from George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Following medical school, I completed orthopaedic surgery residency at the University of Missouri Kansas City. I then completed my fellowship in pediatric orthopaedic surgery at Stanford Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital in Palo Alto, California.

My passion for pediatric orthopaedic surgery comes from my desire to provide children every opportunity to participate in the activities they enjoy. My interests include developmental hip dysplasia, neuromuscular disorders such as cerebral palsy, clubfoot, limb deformity and trauma. I am also involved in global health initiatives including yearly medical trips to Ecuador that provide much needed care for children with complex deformities.

In addition to my clinical practice, I am very interested in education and mentoring. I encourage medical students and residents to get involved with research projects because I am passionate about understanding the best treatment options for my patients and sharing the importance of research with the next generation of physicians.

Outside of medicine, I enjoy water sports, hiking with my dogs, going to the beach and my new hobby of exploring Florida springs!

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