UF Health Shands Endoscopy Suite
Gainesville, Florida 32608
Phone Numbers
Hours of Operation
See full hoursWe are pleased that you have chosen the UF Health Shands Endoscopy Suite for your healthcare needs.
UF Health Shands Hospital is rated as one of the nation's high performing hospitals for gastroenterology & GI surgery by U.S. News & World Report.
The medical team
A team of highly skilled UF gastroenterologists and physician assistants, nurses and staff and community anesthesiologists with specialized training in GI procedures combine their expertise to provide patients with excellent medical care.
Nationally and internationally renowned UF gastroeneterologists perform endoscopic procedures for patients suffering from a variety of complex gastrointestinal disorders and digestive complaints.
Men and women over the age of 50 should have a screening colonoscopy to ensure any early signs of colon cancer are detected and, if possible, removed during their colonoscopy, which can avoid surgery and save lives.
Check in to Admissions is located directly inside the main lobby of South Tower, left of the registration desk. Once seen by admissions, they will direct you to the GI reception desk on the second floor.
What patients should expect
Patients are seen by referral. A healthcare professional who would like to refer patients for endoscopic procedures can refer them to the UF Health Shands Endoscopy Suite by fax. Appointment information will then be mailed to the patient's home address.
Patients will be provided procedure-specific instructions to follow for the days prior to their procedure regarding eating, drinking and taking certain medications. It is important that patients follow these instructions carefully and call the UF health Shands Endoscopy Suite with any questions.
Most patients are provided monitored anesthesia care (MAC) to keep them comfortable throughout their procedure. This type of anesthesia uses sedatives and other agents that leave patients less groggy after their procedures.
Because of the sedation used for the procedures, patients must have someone drive them home to ensure safety. A family member or friend can wait comfortably for the patient in the waiting room.
Procedure results
The gastroenterologists review the procedure results and answer questions about the procedure or individual care before patients leave. The referring provider will be notified of the results to review with the patient in more detail.
After the procedure, the patient will be sent home with a copy of the endoscopy report. Another copy of the report will be sent to the referring provider. Pathology results will be communicated to the patient and the referring physician by the gastroenterologist performing the procedure within 5-10 business days.
Southeastern Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The Southeastern Center for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (SECIBD) at the University of Florida and the Gainesville VA Medical Center is dedicated to the study and treatment of Celiac Sprue, Crohn’s Disease, and Ulcerative Colitis.
Meeting your health care needs
Medical Imaging Services
UF Health offers day-of, on-site imaging services in a qualified medical center.
Med to Bed
Meds to beds is a bedside free service designed with your convenience in mind. Our meds to beds program allows a pharmacist to deliver your medications to you prior to your discharge from the hospital.
MyRx helps people understand how their genes affect drug response.
Outpatient Lab Services
Full-service, on-site lab services and testing for your convenience.
Accepts most prescription plans; competitive prices; on-site.
UF Health Midwifery Group
Exceptional, individualized, compassionate and evidence-based midwifery care.
For your convenience and peace of mind
Aids and services are available to help people with disabilities communicate effectively.
ATM and Banking
Many of UF Health's properties have various branch ATMs and/or branch offices.
Baby-Changing Station
Baby-changing stations are available in many of UF Health's restrooms.
Caremail (Email Service)
Friends and family can send messages to any UF Health patient through the CareMail service.
Options include Opus Coffee and Starbucks in the hospital atriums.
Free Wifi
Patients and guests get free wireless internet access at UF Health hospitals.
Gardens and Outdoor Spaces
The Garden of Hope, Sun Terrace, and other spaces help patients and families relax.
Gender-Neutral Restroom
Gender-neutral, public restrooms are located throughout UF Health's properties.
Gift Shops
The Gift Stops offer a wide variety of gifts and products for patients and families.
Interpreters / Hearing Impaired
UF Health provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English.
Medical Records
You can download a form or call (352) 594-0909 to have medical records mailed or faxed.
Notary Public
Notary services are available to patients and visitors Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Smoking, chewing tobacco, or using electronic cigarettes is prohibited on UF Health properties.
Social Services
Social workers are part of the patient's care team and work with medical staff and nurses.
Virtual Care
In some cases, UF Health offers telehealth care via a desktop computer, smartphone, or tablet.
Virtual Visitation
In some cases, UF Health offers telehealth visits via a desktop computer, smartphone, or tablet.