As COVID-19 vaccinations continue to be administered around the world, a coordinated global response to viral variants that may threaten the protection…
Small, single-vaccine clinical trials may not provide sufficient evidence that a COVID-19 vaccine is effective enough to provide significant protection, writes…
Researchers testing new treatments and vaccines amid a disease outbreak, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, face a number of challenges. Unpredictability in size,…
The European Medicines Agency, or EMA, has announced its conditional marketing authorization of a vaccine used to prevent the spread of the Ebola virus.…
Each day, a battle rages inside the body. Our immune system fights off infections but, in patients with certain medical conditions, it can also become…
With funding from a five-year, $6.7 million National Institutes of Health grant, researchers at UF Health have joined the University of Pittsburgh Graduate…
It’s a new year and you’re trying to live up to your resolution to drop a few pounds. So far, so good — you’re following a weight-loss program and your clothes…
Approximately 11 million men and 3 million women in the U.S. are infected with oral human papillomavirus, or HPV, according to a new study led by University of…
Researchers at the University of Florida and several peer institutions have developed a model mapping the spread of Zika virus in the Americas and predicting…
An international group of researchers associated with the World Health Organization has published its final report on the Ebola vaccine trial in Guinea,…
A team of Italian and American researchers, including the University of Florida’s Ira Longini, Ph.D., has received the Aspen Institute Italia Award for…