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Recognize a team member
- Better Health Care. Stronger Community.

Please say thank you by sharing your story of how a care giver made a difference you will never forget!

The DAISY award is a nationwide program that rewards and celebrates the extraordinary clinical skill and compassionate care delivered by nurses every day. UF Health Central Florida is proud to be a DAISY award hospital partner, recognizing selected nurses or nursing teams with this special honor quarterly. The family that created the DAISY Foundation felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way.

DAISY award honorees personify the mission of UF Health Central Florida. Criteria for recipients:

  • Models empathy and demonstrates a caring attitude in all situations
  • Extraordinary clinical skills in the delivery of compassionate patient care
  • Positive attitude and professionalism in the work environment
  • Ability to establish a special connection with patients and families

Please fill out the form below to nominate a nurse for the DAISY award. Detailed nominations highlighting the attributes listed above have the best chance of winning!

Thank you for nominating an extraordinary, compassionate nurse for this award. Tell us about yourself so we can include you in the celebration should the nurse be chosen as the winner. Choose the option that best describes yourself: