Miniature Horse Therapy: Bringing Unique Joy and Healing to Patients
Dog therapy is well-known and widely used, but have you heard of miniature therapy horses? Since the spring, the UF Health Psychiatric Hospital has partnered…

Social anxiety disorder is a persistent and irrational fear of situations that may involve scrutiny or judgment by others, such as at parties and other social events.
Phobia - social; Anxiety disorder - social; Social phobia; SAD - social anxiety disorder
People with social anxiety disorder fear and avoid situations in which they may be judged by others. It may begin in the teens and may have to do with overprotective parents or limited social opportunities. Men and women are affected equally with this disorder.
People with social phobia are at high risk for alcohol or other drug use. This is because they may come to rely on these substances to relax in social situations.
People with social anxiety become very anxious and self-conscious in everyday social situations. They have an intense, persistent, and chronic fear of being watched and judged by others, and of doing things that will embarrass them. They can worry for days or weeks before a dreaded situation. This fear may become so severe that it interferes with work, school, and other ordinary activities, and can make it hard to make and keep friends.
Some of the most common fears of people with this disorder include:
Physical symptoms that often occur include:
Social anxiety disorder is different from shyness. Shy people are able to participate in social functions. Social anxiety disorder affects the ability to function in work and relationships.
The health care provider will look at your history of social anxiety and will get a description of the behavior from you, your family, and friends.
The goal of treatment is to help you function effectively. The success of the treatment usually depends on the severity of your fears.
Behavioral treatment is often tried first and may have long-lasting benefits:
Certain medicines, often also used to treat depression, may be very helpful for this disorder. They work by preventing your symptoms or making them less severe. You must take these medicines every day. DO NOT stop taking them without talking with your provider.
Medicines called sedatives (or hypnotics) may also be prescribed.
Lifestyle changes may help reduce how often the attacks occur.
You can ease the stress of having social anxiety by joining a support group. Sharing with others who have common experiences and problems can help you not feel alone.
Support groups are usually not a good substitute for talk therapy or taking medicine, but can be a helpful addition.
Resources for more information include:
The outcome is often good with treatment. Antidepressant medicines can also be effective.
Alcohol or other drug use may occur with social anxiety disorder. Loneliness and social isolation may occur.
Call your provider if fear is affecting your work and relationships with others.
American Psychiatric Association website. Anxiety disorders. In: American Psychiatric Association, ed. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. 5th ed. Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing. 2013:189-234.
Calkins AW, Bui E, Taylor CT, Pollack MH, LeBeau RT, Simon NM. Anxiety disorders. In: Stern TA, Fava M, Wilens TE, Rosenbaum JF, eds. Massachusetts General Hospital Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 2nd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2016:chap 32.
Lyness JM. Psychiatric disorders in medical practice. In: Goldman L, Schafer AI, eds. Goldman-Cecil Medicine. 26th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2020:chap 369.
National Institute of Mental Health website. Anxiety disorders. Updated April 2022. Accessed August 12, 2022.
Walter HJ, Bukstein OG, Abright AR, et al. Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and treatment of children and adolescents with anxiety disorders. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2020;59(10):1107-1124. PMID: 32439401
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Summer camp for children and adolescents with obsessive-compulsive disorder and/or anxiety.
Dog therapy is well-known and widely used, but have you heard of miniature therapy horses? Since the spring, the UF Health Psychiatric Hospital has partnered…
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UF Health