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Spine Surgeon, Pediatric Orthopaedic Specialist

Photo of Nigel Price

My bio

Hi my name is Dr. Nigel J. Price, MD, FAAP, FAAOS, FRCSC. I work as a clinical professor in the department of orthopaedic surgery and sports medicine, and I serves as the division chief of pediatric orthopaedics at the University of Florida College of Medicine.

As a child I was fascinated by all things in the natural world and had a lot of exposure to books and experiences growing up. My mom was a nurse and would talk about her experiences in the hospital. I pursued Biology as a major and this was a natural segway to healthcare since I liked the challenges and potential that medicine offered. I pursued pediatric orthopedics because I was inspired by me pediatric orthopedic mentors and teachers in medical school. I liked the diversity of problems and interactions with families.

I achieved my medical degree from Queen’s University in Ontario, Canada. There, I also completed my residency and fellowship in orthopaedics, whereby I served as the chief resident. After my time at Queen’s University, I pursued two additional fellowships in pediatric orthopedics, one at Adelaide and Women and Children’s Hospital in Australia, and another at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.

I am board-certified in orthopaedic surgery by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery. I am also a part of various committees and memberships, such as the Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of North America, and am an active fellow with the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Scoliosis Research Society. I have contributed to a multitude of research publications, posters and educational activities. As a spine surgeon, my special interests include scoliosis, spina bifida and other spine deformities.

Within my industry I hope to improve access to good pediatric orthopedic care in Florida. I want to expand the educational opportunities for all adult learners in our region. I also want to develop complex care programs and multidisciplinary clinics involving pediatric orthopedics. We have a very important Alliance with the Shriners and I want to further develop a research program, a fellowship and visiting professorship.

My personal goal is to develop a top notch pediatric orthopedic program that becomes a regional draw for patients seeking specialized care. I want to develop my leadership skills to further advance the careers of my division members. I have been a pediatric orthopedic surgeon for almost 30 years and I still enjoy learning new techniques and improving care for children. I use a lot of humor in my practice, and am happiest when the patient leaves the visit happy and laughing at our interactions.

In my spare time I love hiking in nature with birdwatching, travelling the world and cycling around Gainesville.

Board certifications

  • Orthopaedic Surgery

    American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery


  • Fellowship, Pediatric Orthopaedics

    The Hospital for Sick Children, 1993-1994

  • Fellowship, Pediatric Orthopaedics

    Adelaide Women and Children's Hospital, 1992-1993

  • Fellowship, Orthopaedics

    Queen's University, 1991-1992

  • Residency, Orthopaedics

    Queen's University, 1986-1990

  • Medical Degree

    Queen's University, 1982-1986

My areas of focus


