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Tarik Benidir, MD : Bio and credentials

Surgical Oncologist (Surgical Specialist - Cancer), Urologist

Photo of Tarik Benidir

My bio

My name is Tarik Benidir, MD, and I am a clinical assistant professor at the University of Florida Department of Urology. I received my medical degree from Queens University School of Medicine in Kingston, Ontario, followed by a residency in urology at the University of Toronto and a urologic oncology fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio.

As a urologist that specializes in urologic cancer, I provide surgical management to patients with localized or locally advanced prostate cancer. I offer treatment through robotic prostatectomy for the whole gland as well as prostate focal therapy using various modalities. Furthermore, I am trained to utilize robotic cystectomy with intracorporal diversion for bladder cancer management and other robotic procedures for kidney and ureteral cancers.

My research focuses on the optimization of patient selection for prostate focal therapy and the use of genomics, advanced imaging and artificial intelligence to better treat prostate cancer patients.

In addition to my clinical practice, I enjoy educating and mentoring the next generation of urologists.


  • Fellowship, Urologic Oncology

    Cleveland Clinic, 2021-2023

  • Residency, Urology

    University of Toronto, 2016-2021

  • Medical School

    Queens University School of Medicine, 2012-2016

My areas of focus


