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Help Us Heal Hearts Forever

There are many ways that you can make an impact for the patients receiving care at the UF Health Congenital Heart Center. Philanthropic contributions are tax-deductible and can be made via credit card, check, stock transfers, real estate or planned gifts such as wills, trusts and annuities. Gifts of any amount add up to make a difference. And you can make your gift online.

How You Can Help

Raise awareness

Tell us how the UF Health Congenital Heart Center has changed your life! Share your story on social media to help spread the word about the great care that happens at the CHC. Follow us on Facebook, and use our hashtag #UFHealingHearts when you post.

Make a gift

Thanks to the generosity of several patient families, we have established the Congenital Heart Center Excellence Endowment! This endowment provides funding for the greatest needs of the center, ensuring we can heal hearts forever at UF Health.

For More Information

For more information on the priority needs of the UF Health Congenital Heart Center, please contact:

Stephanie Nicholas
Associate Director of Development
UF Health
Phone: (850) 591-6789