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UF Health Communications serves the Academic Health Center at the University of Florida, its six professional colleges and a number of health-related research centers and institutes, UF Physicians – Gainesville, UF physicians – Jacksonville, and the Shands system of hospitals and programs throughout north central and northeast Florida.

We publicize the research, clinical and academic accomplishments of current faculty, staff and students. We create and distribute news releases and news publications about these institutions, provide support to the news media, assist with and promote internal communication through various mechanisms and provide other communication services to clients within and beyond UF Health, the Academic Health Center (such as faculty media training). We handle crisis communications and issues management. We produce a national consumer health radio program that airs on public radio affiliates in 18 states and in Washington, D.C. We also craft broadcast and multimedia packages for TV and the Web. In addition, we support the advancement communications needs of UF Health through a team dedicated to alumni and development efforts.

Patient condition inquiries

Reporters who would like information about the condition of a patient should call UF Health Communications at (352) 265-0373. A federal law enacted in April 2003 to protect the privacy of patients limits the information that can be released. See HIPAA Guidelines and Patient Condition Reports.

News releases

We distribute most of our news releases via e-mail. We keep a database of media contacts to whom we regularly send news releases. Please contact us if you would like to be included in the media contact database. This service is provided only to professional members of the news media and freelance writers, so please indicate your occupation and with whom you are affiliated.

Interviewing sources and media escorts

We encourage reporters to contact our office to obtain sources for their stories. We are able to quickly identify the best source(s) and help arrange interviews. For a comprehensive list of sources, consult the UF Expert Guide.

At UF Health, we are responsible for protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our patients. We require all members of the media to be escorted by a UF Health Communications staff member or representative when visiting our facilities. Please call us in advance of your visit: (352) 265-0373.

We frequently arrange for patients to participate in interviews, photographs and videos. However, patients must agree to any media request in advance and must sign an official patient authorization form. Please help us protect the privacy of UF Health patients by waiting until we have secured informed consent in writing before obtaining any interviews, photographs or videos.

Broadcast news services

The UF Health Communications office provides timely medical news stories, B-roll, soundbites, and evergreen footage to the news media free of charge via digitally deliverable files. Contact our office for details.

Campus news resources