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Media Guides

Media Activities

All media activities at UF Health must be coordinated through the UF Health Communications team.

Media Experts Guide

University of Florida faculty experts are available for commentary, interviews and speaking opportunities on thousands of subjects.

Media List

Professional reporters and freelance writers can receive our major news releases via e-mail by registering with UF Health Newsnet.

Standards and Policies

HIPAA Guidelines

These standards have been established for news media inquiries about the status of patients.

Patient Condition Reports

All media inquiries for information about UF Health patients must be coordinated through the communications department.

Facility Names

Official names of UF health locations.

UF Health Facts and Figures

Fact sheets about UF Health hospitals, clinical and research firsts, and leadership information.

Photo Library

UF health photo galleries from UF Health Creative Services (Requires access)

Making the Rounds

Making the Rounds is the weekly newsletter of UF Health News. It features the latest research and patient care headlines from University of Florida Health.

A view of the lakes and paths that make up the Garden of Hope.