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46 results for breast cancer

  • The UF Health Breast Center’s comprehensive medical team provides compassionate care and personalized treatment options for you and your family. We bring…

  • Breast cancer is cancer that starts in breast tissue. Both males and females have breast tissue. This means that anyone, including men and boys, can develop…

  • A positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive substance (called a tracer) to look for potential spread of breast cancer.…

  • The UF Health Breast Center’s comprehensive medical team provides compassionate care and personalized options for you and your family. Our…

  • A breast MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scan is an imaging test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to create pictures of the breast and surrounding…

  • A mammogram is an x-ray picture of the breasts. It is used to find breast tumors and cancer. Mammography; Breast cancer - mammography; Breast cancer -…

  • A breast biopsy is the removal of breast tissue to examine it for signs of breast cancer or other disorders. There are several types of breast biopsies,…

  • Nipple discharge is any fluid that comes out of the nipple area in your breast. Discharge from breasts; Milk secretions; Lactation - abnormal; Witch's milk…

  • Calcifications are tiny deposits of calcium in your breast tissue. They are often seen on a mammogram. Microcalcifications or macrocalcifications; Breast…

  • Breast pain is any discomfort or pain in the breast. Pain - breast; Mastalgia; Mastodynia; Breast tenderness There are many possible causes for breast pain.…

  • A cytology exam of pleural fluid is a laboratory test to detect cancer cells and certain other cells in the fluid from the area that surrounds the lungs. This…

  • Lung metastases are cancerous tumors that start somewhere else in the body and spread to the lungs. Metastases to the lung; Metastatic cancer to the lung; Lung…

  • An armpit lump is a swelling or bump under the arm. A lump in the armpit can have many causes. These include swollen lymph nodes, infections, or cysts. Lump in…

  • A breast biopsy is the removal of breast tissue to examine it for signs of breast cancer or other disorders. There are several types of breast biopsies,…

  • Humans have been eating soy beans for almost 5000 years. The soybean is high in protein. The quality of protein from soy equals that of protein from animal…

  • Sepsis is an illness or complication in which the body has a severe overwhelming response to infection. This response can induce tissue damage, organ failure…

  • After a mastectomy, some women choose to have cosmetic surgery to remake their breast. This type of surgery is called breast reconstruction. It can be…

  • Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells. Carcinoma; Malignant tumor Cancer grows out…

  • Breast lump removal is surgery to remove a lump that may be a breast cancer. Tissue around the lump is also removed. This surgery is called an excisional…

  • Liver metastases refer to cancer that has spread to the liver from somewhere else in the body. Liver metastases are not the same as cancer that starts in the…

  • Breast augmentation is a procedure to enlarge or change the shape of the breasts. Breast augmentation; Breast implants; Implants - breast; Mammaplasty -…

  • A metastatic brain tumor is cancer that started in another part of the body and has spread to the brain. Brain tumor - metastatic (secondary); Cancer - brain…

  • After a mastectomy, some women choose to have cosmetic surgery to remake their breast. This type of surgery is called breast reconstruction. It can be…

  • A mastectomy is surgery to remove the breast tissue. Some of the skin and the nipple may also be removed. The surgery is most often done to treat breast…

  • A breast lump is swelling, growth, or mass in the breast. Breast lumps in both men and women raise concern for breast cancer, even though most lumps are not…

  • Fibroadenoma of the breast is a benign tumor. Benign tumor means it is not a cancer. Breast lump - fibroadenoma; Breast lump - noncancerous; Breast lump -…

  • When abnormal breast tissue develops in males, it is called gynecomastia. It is important to find out if the excess growth is breast tissue and not excess fat…

  • Fibrocystic breasts are painful, lumpy breasts. Formerly called fibrocystic breast disease, this common condition is, in fact, not a disease. Many women…

  • Ovarian cancer is cancer that starts in the ovaries. The ovaries are the female reproductive organs that produce eggs. Cancer - ovaries Ovarian cancer is the…

  • Diet can have an impact on your risk of developing many types of cancer. You can reduce your overall risk by following a healthy diet that includes plenty of…

  • Intraductal papilloma is a small, noncancerous (benign) tumor that grows in a milk duct of the breast. Intraductal papilloma occurs most often in women ages 35…

  • Lymphatic obstruction is a blockage of the lymph vessels that drain fluid from tissues throughout the body and allow immune cells to travel where they are…

  • A lymph node biopsy is the removal of lymph node tissue for examination under a microscope. The lymph nodes are small glands that make white blood cells…

  • Menopause is permanent cessation of menses due to depletion of ovarian follicles. Natural menopause usually occurs between ages 45 and 55. Many women have no…

  • As a lung transplant patient at UF Health, you can expect innovative, effective, and compassionate care from a program that sets a national standard for its…

  • Women's health refers to the branch of medicine that focuses on the treatment and diagnosis of diseases and conditions that affect a woman's physical and…

  • UF Health Shands Hospital provides many services to care for pituitary tumor patients. We perform over 50 pituitary operations each year. Medical therapy for…

  • Lung cancer requires expert care. Our multidisciplinary team is here to help.

  • Anemia is a condition in which the body does not have enough healthy red blood cells. Red blood cells provide oxygen to body tissues. There are many types of…

  • Gestational diabetes is high blood sugar (glucose) that starts during pregnancy. Eating a balanced, healthy diet can help you manage gestational diabetes. The…

  • Lung surgery is surgery done to repair or remove lung tissue. There are many common lung surgeries, including: Biopsy of an unknown growth in or around the…

  • The UF Health Comprehensive Spine Center in Gainesville provides personalized solutions for both common and complex spinal injuries, neck injuries and back…

  • Carbohydrates are one of the main nutrients in our diet. They help provide energy for our body. There are three main types of carbohydrates found in foods:…

  • The term sugar is used to describe a wide range of compounds that vary in sweetness. Common sugars include: Glucose Fructose Galactose Sucrose (common table…

  • The UF Health Shands Pancreas Transplant Team has performed more than 100 transplants in the last nine years.

  • By following the US Department of Agriculture's food guide, called MyPlate, you can make healthier food choices. The newest guide encourages you to eat more…